Saturday, January 16, 2010

Start of something new....

I woke up this morning at 3 a.m well basically I did not really sleep, went to PHL and to L.A by 10 am. Saying good Bye to Mom was the hardest part. She just held me so tight and did not want to let me go... I had to be strong for her, hoping that she finds her strength through me. I love her more than anything/anyone in this World and I know that she is stronger than she presents her self to be. The next couple years will be tough for the both of us, but you know what people say... ' what does not kill you, ONLY makes you stronger "
Everything was so so so overwhelming, the people coming in, every other minute you asking a new person " so what's your name? where r u from?.." after like the first 10 times, you realize well maybe i should just let it happen .. i got 27 months to get to know everyone anyways.
Everything started at 2pm, without actually being able to check in, after changing into " business casual" in the bathroom just for orientation in a hot stuffed room with 64 people, we officially became Peace Corps Trainees hahaha, Apparently, AFTER we pass the Language Test we will then only become official Peace Corps volunteers. OH btw, the 64 people are a DIVERSE group of individuals. All the way from fresh out of college students (moi), to people in their 30s and even a good number of 50 plus :) I SO Admire everyone's courage and you know what, it's amazing to be with a group of people who just " GET " your reasoning for being on this journey ... :) I cannot wait to get to know people more and more as days go by...

Staging (or Orientation) involved us analyzing scenarios, understanding the purpose of the Peace Corps, understading our anxieties, aspirations as PC.Vs. Yikes anxieties
- Language
- Not too much privacy
- Loneliness AFTER being separated to our own villages
- Different work ethics
- health concerns
- sexual harrassment
- Not finding the 'niche' in your community
- bugs, snakes, dogs, mosquitos...
- overheated, dehydration...

It was tiring I will not lie esp since I have not really had the chance to 'unwind' since 5am ... well i guess i have to reallize the next 27 months will be less and less about me and more and more about what I will be doing for others.... makes sense :)

FINALLY, at 7 i got to my room, unpacked some things, showered and now lying in bed updating my blog (after dinner). the Peace Corps gave us $120 to spend for the night . ... which I used to get a 20 dollar meal at the restaurant and the rest.... well perhaps some breakfast tomorrow and whatever left will turn into THAI BAHT! c u all on the other side :)
I will be spending a week in a Hotel in Bangkok, so the next time you see me updating my blog, it will be about my 19 hrs of flight/hotel journey/ and whatever else comes up.... Here I come :)

BTW, some girls and I were talking about how this is also the time when 'true friendships' can be tested, i.e. who actually takes the time out to write the letters through postmail, sends carepackages and genuinely cares for your safety... :) alrity my luvly friends... let's see :) time for those letters :)

Serenity, Strength and Wisdom
- Zari

1 comment:

  1. Nice to hear from you Zari! Apparently, you sound very happy ...i guess you cant believe it either that, this is the start, the beginning of your next 27 months. Well, gtg so, i'll be here reading your posts whenever its updated...stay safe and enjoy your stay at Bankok!!!
